
Home Body
A full stack health app that allows user to sing-up and login so that
they can keep track of their daily nutrition intake.
Link to Github repository

Stock market app that gets information from three APIs. With a
group of five, we had a little more than a week to creat the
app from scratch.
Link to Github repository

Weather Dashboard
A weather app that gets information from an API and displays
the current and five day weather forecast for the searched
city. Saves cities into local storage.
Link to Github repository

Code Quiz
A fun short quiz that uses JS to render questions and display
them onto the html. At the end of quiz user can save score and
high scores are saved to local storage.
Link to Github repository

Burger App
An app that allows the user to input their favorite burgers,
stores them into an MySQL database and with the click of a
button “devours” the burger (update MySQL database).
Link to Github repository

Day Planner
A simple day planner for regular business hours. Displays
current date and check for the current hour to know if an
event has passed, current or in the future.
Link to Github repository